This is the official Candy Snatchers site, endorsed by the band themselves, so fuck off.
Here are some recent pics from Lil's in Michigan by Lasha Laskowsky.

Here are some pics from New Orleans 28 October 2001. Photos by Gary Loverde.

Here are some pics from Washington DC 16 June 2001. Photos by Stefan Peterson.

Here are some pics from February 2001 at the Mermaid Lounge in New Orleans right here!
And some more recent pics from October 2001 at the Mermaid Lounge right here!
And some very recent pics from October 2002 at the Hurricane in Kansas City right here!
And some very recent pics from December 2002 right here!
And here's a photo link from Oct 4, 2002 in Indianapolis, IN right here!
This site maintained by Jake Starr. Last update 31 March 2003.
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