Larry May: vocals
Mike Poole: guitar
Tim Yeates: bass
Joey Mishkofski: drums
The Crums are a garage band based in Virginia Beach, Va., and feature Candy Snatchers singer Larry May on vocals. Nomad Records and Fandango Records co-released The Crums' debut 4-song 7" EP in 1998.
Read what the press has to say about these derelicts:
The Crums "Creepy Crawl" EP
Great garage combo out of Virginia Beach, love the singer--Larry from the Candy Snatchers--very MC5. This is a crime that's only available to 500 lucky souls, gotta press more of this puppy!
--Maximum Rocknroll #189, February 1999
The Crums S/T 7"
A great slab o' wax featuring Larry from the Candy Snatchers on vox. "Creepy Crawl" is drenched with reverb resulting in a spooky sound, but rockin' nonetheless. "Haunted Road" is a Snatchers song done up with some eerie backing vox...wonder if they did this during Halloween? Flip it and "I Got Nothing" storms the eardrums with a great up-tempo number, and "Oh Yeah!" rocks it out and has the hooks that make this song stick in yer head. Hurry up, limited to 500 copies, first 100 on blue wax. Get it! Got it? Good.
--Chris, Trashcan Zine #2
The Crums "Creepy Crawl" 7"
First off, some of you in rock-n-roll land might want to know that the Candy Snatchers singer sings in this band. The music is fast, hyper, garagy, surfy, and pretty damned cool. Wacky lyrics abound on this action-packed EP. They say something about Sharon Tate in one of the songs, and I haven't heard funny lyrics about her since the Angry Samoans. Fast, tight songs that are just flat out rockin' tunes. Some of the guitar parts remind me of old Dinosaur Jr. I imagine that if you dig the Candy Snatchers, you'll like this record. If you like good rock music and are cool enough to have a record player, this is a good one to pick up.
--S. Peterson, Etch Magazine, Vol. 5 #1
The Crums self-titled 7"
Fans of The Candy Snatchers (and who isn't!) will wanna grab this 7 inch offering from The
Crums, who feature Mr. Larry May on vocals. While all four cuts here do the job (including a
rendition of The Snatchers"'Haunted Road"), The Crums just don't pack the hell-raising kick
that The Candy Snatchers force feed through their music. But, then again, what band really
DOES? A great single, nonetheless.
--Designated Dale, Flipside Magazine
The Crums: 4-song 7" EP
Four power-driven punky rock-n-rollers reminiscent of the great late 1970s New York (et al) punk rock scene with a particular nod in the general direction of (the) MC5. Crums deliver amped-up supercharged passionate rock-n-roll with a strong punky edge -- excellent garage band rock! From "Oh Yeah": "I can't wait for tomorrow -- I'm getting real sick of today -- with my dead-end job and my dead-end girl ... I wanna blow it away!"
--Riff Gibson, Raging Smolder Music Review (RSMR), May 1999
The Crums-s/t 7"
This debut EP contains 4 punk, punk rock tunes. The Crums sound much like the Nitwitz if you consider such tunes as "Jackass," the singer Larry also sings in the Candy Snatchers. But in the Crums he sings with a little more desperate voice. Ass-smooth drum intro on the first tune "Creepy Crawl." The third tune "I Got Nothing" is probably the best, it has a bloody awesome sound. One should keep an eye out for these guys. Slow punking.
--Joel Borg, DenimZine, Number 1, April 1999
The Crums 7" (Fandango/Nomad)
How many projects and bands is Larry May from the Candy Snatchers involved in? The Crums garage rock is something I get excited about, the first piece *Creepy Crawl* is really totally wonderful and it is a piece that has a straight forward acceleration and that which elevates this piece is the beautiful surf inspired guitar in the middle of all the action. The other three pieces are more standard garage, but there is nothing wrong with that and then, of course, May has a voice that is totally great. I really enjoy listening to this single and you can check it out (tjacka?) and see what you think. There are only 500 copies, so hurry.
--The Dicktator, No Rule Zine, #20, May 1999
The Crums-Creepy Crawl (Single/Fandango)
Oh yeah sounds like Glenn Danzig sings in a garagegroup. That's the style that dominates this record in a big way, garagestyle, namely. I like that they flirt with the sixties in some of the pieces and I see for the first time that the vinyl feel really goes better with music like this. Somehow it feels tougher.
--Skrutt Zine, #36, July 1999

Fandango Records
3403 Mt. Pleasant Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010 USA
This site maintained by Jake Starr. Last update 1 November 2001.
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